Friday, November 27, 2015

Giveaway! What's the Matter? Pixite's New APP!!!

Just when you think developers have come up with about everything there is to do with a photo app, along comes one that is a real paradigm shifter. The newest kid on the Pixite block of apps is called Matter and it is quite the game changer, especially for artists that love the surreal! 

And guess what - I have a giveaway - six promo codes to six lucky winners. Just leave a comment to sign up. Winners will be announced Wednesday, July 30th at 8:00 a.m PDT. If you never want to miss a giveaway, subscribe to have Art of Mob delivered to your inbox by clicking here

Chad Rankin specializes in the surreal - his Instagram name is @sirreal and he was kind enough to allow me to feature some of his work created with the new Matter app.

Traversing Mercury ~ Reconstructing Atmosphere © Chad Rankin

© Chad Rankin
in the beginning...© Chad Rankin

From the Heavens © Chad Rankin

These images should get your creative juices flowing...but there's more you can do with Matter. Check out these videos that Chad made.

I haven't had a lot of time to experiment with Matter, but I did come up with this creation. (I also used Tangent and Union in this edit (both are Pixite apps)

© Geri Centonze

Here's a video overview of the app. There will also be another post on Matter coming soon with a tutorial. Be sure to watch for it.

Don't forget to sign-up for the giveaway! Leave a comment below to enter.

UPDATE: Congrats to the winners (you will receive an email with your promo code) Thanks to everyone for participating!
David Jander

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