Thursday, November 26, 2015

A Conversation with Mobile Artist Carolyn Frischling

In the coming months I hope to include more artists who have participated in group or singular exhibitions. I recently had a conversation with Carolyn Frischling regarding her work that is currently on exhibit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

What is your name and where do you live? 
Carolyn:  My name is Carolyn Frischling and I live in a little historic town called Sewickley near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 

How did you get started in mobile photography? 
Carolyn:  I was always on the go and so I started experimenting with creative apps on my iPhone. I would regularly search the App Store, eventually downloading hundreds of apps and learning what they do. My husband, Michael Frischling, encouraged me and was very supportive. I make time every week to see what is new.

What devices do you use?
Carolyn:  I use an iPhone 5, an iPad Mini Retina and a MacBook Pro.

Lady Mondegreen © Carolyn Frischling
Lady Mondegreen © Carolyn Frischling

Do you have a traditional photography or art background?
Carolyn:  Yes, I have a Master of Fine Arts in printmaking from Washington University in St. Louis and was trained in traditional art-making methods, which I still practice and love.

Who or what inspires you?
Carolyn:  I'm inspired greatly by Modernism, Futurism, Pop and Graffiti; sculpture--Brancusi, Boccioni, Henry Moore, Tom Yody, Peter Reginato, Berta Fischer; glass--Dale Chihuly, Dino Rosin; painters--Kandinsky, Gorky, Piet Mondrian, Georgia O'Keefe, Helen Frankenthaler, Agnes Martin, Al Held, Brice Marden, Tomma Abts, Mark Grotjahn, Peter Doig, Sarah Morris, John AslanidisJustin BowerJonathan Christie@poesiatranscend, Teo Pirisi, @moneyless1980, @librarystreetcollective, including @wais1, @samfriedman and Adrian Falkner@spogo15, @kem_vegas, @qspuno, new media artists--Wade GuytonAlain Vincent, Isaac Budmen, Wes L. Cockx, Nathaniel Smith, Terry BowieStephen ParéNico Brons, Simon Degroot, Jesse Draxler, Bobbi McMurry, @rina_mualem; writers/teachers--St. Augustine, St. Therese of Liseux, Wassily Kandinsky, Herman Hesse, C.S. Lewis, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Thich Nhat Hahn, Robert Ault, Gong Shu Yi Shu, Bobbi McKibbin, Dawn Guernsey, Peter Marcus, Joan Hall, Richard Noyce, Rosaire Kopczenski.

© Carolyn Frischling
© Carolyn Frischling
I am most interested in your recent participation as a selected artist in the 103rd Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Annual Exhibition. How did you get involved in it?
Carolyn:  I found out about the organization through word of mouth, and that is has a storied past with members including Mary Cassatt, Philip Guston and Andy Warhol. There is a juried entrance, and every year there is an Annual Exhibition, with a separate juried entrance and guest juror, usually held at the Carnegie Museum, but this year at The Westmoreland Museum of American Art. There are several opportunities to show with the group during the year, but the Annual is the organization's most prestigious event.

© Carolyn Frischling

How many of your pieces were exhibited?
Carolyn:  I submitted two entries; the first, a trio titled Quidditas/Unknowable, which means essence, and the second, a pair of 2D and 3D versions of an abstract collaboration titled Actualizing Abstraction with Isaac Budmen. The 3D version is a 9x9x2 inches full color sandstone print. I was very fortunate to work with Isaac whom I met on Instagram. He wrote The Book on 3D Printing, and is an artist-in-residence with the Metropolitan Museum's Digital Media Lab and has been invited to lecture at the New York University's Tisch School of Arts. I was also very happy to have both entries selected, five pieces in all.

Quidditas/Unknowable I © Carolyn Frischling
Quidditas/Unknowable I © Carolyn Frischling

Quidditas/Unknowable II © Carolyn Frischling
Quidditas/Unknowable II © Carolyn Frischling

Quidditas/Unknowable III © Carolyn Frischling
Quidditas/Unknowable III © Carolyn Frischling

Did you attend the opening? If so, what was the reception like toward artwork created with an iOS device?
Carolyn:  Yes, it was a memorable night. My trio Quidditas/Unknowable was a group of resin-covered prints on aluminum, each 20x20x1 inches and it seemed that the people I talked to were more interested in the presentation, which I wanted to be as high-tech as possible for a static image, given the medium.

Actualizing Abstraction with Isaac Budmen © Carolyn Frischling
Actualizing Abstraction with Isaac Budmen © Carolyn Frischling
Tell me about Mobile Masters. 
Carolyn:  This is the second year for the Mobile Masters. It was held at the Moscone Center at Macworld 2014. The founders are Dan Marcolina, Denise Marcolina, Jack Hollingsworth, Kevin Kuster and Paul Toussaint and the Empty Spaces Project gallery in Putnam, Connecticut. With my submission, I provided links to my online portfolio at and my Instagram page, @carolynfrischling. This year I was honored with a feature in the Founders Folio near the back of the Mobile Masters eBook. It is very special to me since most of my portfolio is non-photography based abstract digital art, doing what Dan Marcolina has coined app stacking. In other words, I use my mobile device to create art, but very often, I do not start with a photograph. Here is a short video about Mobile Masters (below) and a link to the app store

What is your advice for mobile photographers who would like to exhibit their work?
Carolyn:  I would buy a good inkjet printer because you'll need to proof your work even if you decide to print your work with a specialty printer.

Hypostatization © Carolyn Frischling
Hypostatization © Carolyn Frischling
Do you sell your work? If so, where?
Carolyn:  I sell my work on They are one of the only publishers of fine art prints to offer limited edition prints on Hahnemule paper with my own signature. Each print comes with a certificate of authenticity. I also sell prints on aluminum and on silk, when available, on my commercial site

Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Carolyn:  Do you remember when only black and white photography was considered worthy of being called art and then color photography became accepted? It's the same with digital and mobile art, which are getting bigger all the time. Thank you Geri for this interview.

Quidditas VIII  © Carolyn Frischling
Quidditas VIII  © Carolyn Frischling
Find Carolyn:  Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / tumblr

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