Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A Photographic Series by Armineh Hovanesian

Armineh and I have been Instagram "sisters" for a while. At the beginning of the year a series of photos she posted there really grabbed my attention. Armineh was kind enough to answer a few questions about the series. Hopefully this will inspire you to create a series of your own!

What is your name and where do you live?

Armineh:  My name is Armineh Hovanesian and at the moment I live in Los Angeles, California where I relocated in 2003.

How did you get started in mobile photography? What device do you use?

Armineh:  The first phone I had which had a camera was my LG Xenon. When the iPhone hit the market, at the time I decided not to get one and wait. Finally, I broke down and got the iPhone 4S. My brother told me about an ingenious app called Leme Camera and the rest is history. Then I fell in love with the phone, loved the freedom I had with it and was blown away by the various apps that were available.

Achievement © Armineh Hovanesian
Achievement © Armineh Hovanesian

Do you have a traditional photography or art background?

Armineh:  I have no photography background. I did study interior design in college. I have been surrounded with art and artists all my life and that naturally was an advantage I was granted which opened my mind and paved the way to where I am today.

Full © Armineh Hovanesian
Full © Armineh Hovanesian

Who or what inspires you?

Armineh:  Generally, I am inspired by my own thoughts and surroundings. Music, Dali and Vachag are other inspirations which fuel my creativity. If I may add, I am fortunate to know dance choreographers who give me a carte blanche to photograph their creations. Having been a stage person, I cannot describe the utter joy I get photographing dancers on stage, especially when I am able to be on stage with them during rehearsals.

Freedom © Armineh Hovanesian
Freedom © Armineh Hovanesian
Although I have been following you for a while and love your work, the main focus of this feature is on the recent series you did in January. Please tell me more about it.

Armineh:  The wonderful Kristen Radden at Creative iPhoneography had a January Challenge and I decided to participate (both as discipline and fun). Even though I do take photos on a daily basis, this challenge helped me get focused and concentrate on the word of the day.

Bliss © Armineh Hovanesian
Bliss © Armineh Hovanesian

Is having a prompt an easier way to jumpstart creativity?

Armineh:  It does help to get one focused, however it is not a requirement.

Authority © Armineh Hovanesian
Authority © Armineh Hovanesian

Do you have a favorite piece among the ones you did for this series?

Armineh:  My favorite is Day 6: Compassion. My daughter was visiting on her break from college and this shot sums up my unconditional and eternal love for her.

Compassion © Armineh Hovanesian
Compassion (my love, my daughter) © Armineh Hovanesian

What are some of the apps you used to edit images for this series?

Armineh:  Generally, I used Snapseed, but also edited some in Pixlr-o-matic, Oggl and iColorama S.

Imperfection © Armineh Hovanesian
Imperfection © Armineh Hovanesian
Support © Armineh Hovanesian
Support © Armineh Hovanesian

Have you ever exhibited your images? 

Armineh:  Yes, I have had several exhibitions and have also had my photography featured in the Los Angeles Times four times in 2013. My first exhibition was in December of 2010 at a local gallery in Tujunga; group exhibition on 11/11/11 at a local gallery in Glendale; group exhibition on 03/12/13 at SOHO Digital Art Gallery in New York City; group show on 12/12/12 at a local gallery in Los Angeles; group show 11/29/13 at a Glendale gallery. There are also plans for future exhibitions with my artist/photographer friends in 2014.

Forgotten © Armineh Hovanesian
Forgotten © Armineh Hovanesian
Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Armineh:  I am beyond honored to have been given this opportunity to share my vision and madness with you. The realm of mobile photography has exceeded my expectations and has opened so many doors I never even realized existed. I have befriended a lot of amazing photographers. I now have friends all over the United States and the world, people I am in touch with regularly and look forward to meeting in person. I am genuinely spellbound to have gotten on this marvelous journey.

Find Armineh:  Website | Facebook | Instagram | EyeEm | Flickr | Twitter

Connection © Armineh Hovanesian
Connection © Armineh Hovanesian
All images in this feature are copyrighted property of Armineh Hovanesian published on Art of Mob with the consent of the artist. 

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