Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Year in Review and a Warm Welcome to 2015!

How have the first few days of 2015 been going?  I have to admit that I am a bit shocked to be typing this post already.  To think that I have been blogging about our home progress for five years now, and that we have just celebrated the start of 2015, is awesomely mind blowing.  I have a good feeling about this coming year!

I have been wanting to get my blog project gallery updated for a few years now so that we can all celebrate easier iHeart project searching.  Until then, one thing that has helped me tremendously up to this point is rounding up our favorite projects and posts within a single "Year at a Glance" post each year.  You can also check out 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010.

I always have so much fun pulling these posts together.  It usually takes me a few days to get the entire post completed because I fall down memory lane and read, read and read some more.  The best part is that these posts really tend to ignite a fire and get my organizing and projecting rear in gear!  Enjoy!

Now this is where I would usually spill my guts about my blog goals for 2015, but this year feels so different for some reason.  I think my goal this year is to just be content.  I am so thankful for what I do and how things have evolved over the years.  So in 2015 I plan to remain grateful, find balance and peace between all I love, find beauty in everyday moments, and blog my little heart out.  I hope to share both quick tips and bigger projects.  I pray that my passion remains strong.  And I resolute to take new risks that push my comfort zones in all areas of my business.

As always, a huge iHeart hug to all of you faithful and fabulous readers!  You rock my world!  Cheers to an amazing 2015!

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