Friday, November 20, 2015

Anatomy of an Edit No. 10

Below is a recently edited image in its final form.

© Geri Centonze
Final Version

Now, I'll walk you through a step-by-step workflow. First I shot the image while watching television using my iPad Air 2. 

© Geri Centonze
Shot with iPad

Next step was to open the image in Snapseed and Crop and Rotate it.

© Geri Centonze
After Cropping and Straightening

I then took the above cropped image and applied a Brushstroke app preset.

© Geri Centonze
Brushstroke Version

The new Shift app by Pixite was released so I thought I'd give it a try. I opened the Brushstroke version in Shift and applied a filter.

© Geri Centonze
Added Shift Filter

The Litely app recently had an update, so I opened up the "Shift" version and applied a filter in Litely.

© Geri Centonze
Added Litely Filter

I liked the above result but was looking for something a bit different, so I opened up the Litely version in Facetune and used the Reshape tools to distort her face. I also applied one of the Facetune Filters.

© Geri Centonze
Distorted in Facetune

I then took the Facetune version and layered it with a photo of some fall foliage using the Diana Photo app. 

© Geri Centonze

Below is the first version using Diana Photo

© Geri Centonze
Layered in Diana Photo - Version 1

The second version is shown below

© Geri Centonze
Layered in Diana Photo Version 2

I combined the two Diana Photo versions with the Facetune version by layering them in Sketch Club to blend them.

© Geri Centonze
Blended version done in Sketch Club

My final step was to take the blended version into Stackables and apply one of my custom filters.

© Geri Centonze
After Stackables

Apps Mentioned:

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