Saturday, November 21, 2015

Announcing New Instagram Challenge - Fave 5

What were your favorite five images for 2014? The Instagram challenge theme for this week is Fave 5. Out of all of the images you shot and edited this year what were your favorite five? Tag them to the weekly challenge using #aom_Fave5. I'll post the showcase on Sunday, December 28th. So...hit me with your best shots!

Here are five of my favorites. It's really hard to choose five and I'm sure if I picked them tomorrow I would select five different ones, but each of these I still find pleasing. Often, after I have edited an image I think of dozens of things I would have done differently, with these, I am satisfied. There is one more I really like (The Blue Violin), but I already talked about that one at Mobiography

The image below was created from several different faces, collaging them together as one.

I like the illustrative nature of this edit (below), especially the folds of the fabric draped over the chair.

San Juan Capistrano Mission

The challenge for the image with the giraffe was creating a realistic looking reflection without using a reflection app. 

I'm still amazed that this was captured with an iPhone (5s)! 


This is just a fun edit but I like the moment I captured at an airport this fall - the nicknames my husband and I gave them seem to work too.

Wolverine and The Model

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