Friday, November 27, 2015

Customizing Tangled FX - Sharing One of My Secret Formulas!

Tangled FX is an interesting app that I use a lot. Several people have asked me about the settings I use. This post will show you the exact settings of one of my custom styles.

First of all it's important to note that when you load a photo into Tangled FX, your photo is shown in a "Preview" Size. To view how the actual finished photo will look you need to tap the Preview button at the top of the app and it will then switch to show the full resolution image with the style applied.

If you use the built-in preset styles you can take an image and get various results - a few are shown below:

Fibers Harsh

Brush Strokes


I prefer a more refined look so I have created several customized styles.

Below is one of my favorites:

Geri's Custom 10
To change the settings on Tangled FX to duplicate this style, simply tap the TUNE button in the lower right hand corner and a menu will pop up. Set each slider to match the values as shown below:

In case you are unable to read the values, they are listed below:

Effect scale factor 0.25
Pre sharpen size 7%
and amount 7%
Strokes size 0%
and style Light
Sharpen size 18%
and amount 1%
Smudge size 80%
Post sharpen size 2%
and amount 10%
Color boost -16%
Contrast 3%
Gamma -4%
Hue shift 0%

Tap "Render" to apply the style. To save this as your own custom style simply tap the blue "Save" button and you will be prompted to select a name for your new preset. Play with all of the sliders and save your favorites to create your own custom library of preset styles.

Happy Rendering!

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