Saturday, November 14, 2015

Donation Tracker Printable

This weekend we made our second giant trip to Goodwill to drop off more 'oldies but goodies" found from in our storage areas.  We also took a trip to the Habitat ReStore to donate some excess building supplies from our lower level renovation.  I promise to get you an update on the State of the Storage Rooms soon, but basically picture me sitting in the middle of towering piles as I slowly sort through every last bin with mascara running down my cheeks and my heart full of memories.  I found things I didn't even know I had any longer... things I haven't seen since I was a little girl...

I surely did not expect this process to  move as slow as it is, or be as time consuming as it has been, but I have been doing a lot of reflecting and growing and learning through this whole process, so it is all for good!

But back to the donations.  We make random trips to Goodwill throughout the year, and I always end up jotting down the specifics of what we are donating on random sheets of paper.  This last trip was a biggie.  As I filled the bins to drop off, I wrote down each and every item. 

Then, I had to go through all of the clothing and on the next page in my notepad get more specific, as I ended up donating maternity clothing, dress clothing and kid's clothing.  And then on the next page, I wrote down everything we donated to the ReStore.  All of this writing on random sheets of paper was only getting me so far.  I needed a better system.

And why do I write all of this down?  Because when you make a donation, all you get is this....

A single receipt with absolutely no specifics.

However, it is a good idea to keep track of everything you donate and the approximate value of those items for tax purposes.  So once you have your list made of everything you are taking to the donation center, you then need to assign a value to that item based on the condition.  The good thing is that both the Goodwill and the Salvation Army offer an online reference sheet to help you determine those amounts.

And I have a printable that will help you keep everything in a pretty organized fashion!

Just click on the image below to download your free copy of the donation tracker, fill it out throughout the year when making drop-offs, and use a paperclip to attach the receipts from the donation centers.  Stick it in your file and store with your tax paperwork and boom!  Done.

{click HERE to download your free Donation Tracker printable}

I have been forcing myself to be ruthless with this purge and process.  I thought I had done a good job before, but as I go through bin after bin and pile after pile, I have been shaking my head in confusion at some of the things I am finding.  And boy was I a good organizer, you wouldn't believe how much stuff I was able to pack into those two little spaces.... I have to admit it is pretty impressive {enter sarcastic grin here}.

Please know that I am not a licensed tax professional, just your average Josephine trying to stay organized for MY licensed tax professional!  For additional information on rules and regulations regarding Charitable Contributions, please visit the IRS website or contact your local tax adviser.

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