Friday, November 20, 2015

Extra! Extra! Organizing Reads!

One of my favorite things about what I do, is the variety!  I am the kind of person who likes a lot of variety in my job as I find it keeps me excited and motivated and intrigued.  Writing posts is only a small part of what I do.  I also run an Etsy shop in which I design organizing printables, I contribute to the Better Homes & Garden's Style Spotter's Blog, I collaborate behind the scenes with other bloggers and businesses to build relationships and grow my knowledge, I attempt to troubleshoot site maintenance issues and am working to build a new and improved blog, I communicate with you fabulous friends each day through social media, comments and emails and I smile while I type.  True story, my husband laughs at me for that last one all of the time.

Sometimes, I find that it is so easy to get sucked into the house project side of what I do, that really awesome things come and go and I forget to document those as well.  Some of my favorite posts are looking back and celebrating the milestones along the way, so I try to stop in with those types of updates on occasion.

So first, let's get the not as fun stuff of site troubleshooting out of the way.  For some reason my previous email subscription host, decided to stop working.  I began getting email after email from super sweet readers who mentioned they were missing out on my posts.  After looking into the problem, there was little resolution other than to completely switch feed services.  So I did that and things seemed to be working smoothly until one day they weren't.  This stuff makes my brain mushy so I apologize if there are days you receive double emails or no emails at all, or if my feed is incredibly delayed.  Or if it doesn't feed to Bloglovin' at all {which is currently the case}.  I promise I am looking into getting every last wrinkle smoothed out and hopefully it will begin working like a well oiled machine in no time.

As far as the rest of the site, I partnered with the beautiful and talented Angela of Saffron Avenue to do an official "branding" of iHeart Organizing!  After over four years of blogging with my generic homemade logo, I decided it was time to really make it official.  She was wonderful to work with and really took my thoughts and vision and ran with it.


Knowing that I have grand schemes to offer a site with an updated home tour, project gallery and easier navigation, I am in the early stages of working on that and incorporating the new branding.  Completely overwhelming from a learning curve perspective, but something I am really having fun with.  Hopefully it won't be 2018 before I can get things finished up and rolled out.

Speaking of rolling out something new!  Many of you have been inquiring about the 2015 daily planner printables.  I am working on designing them as we speak, and will be sure to announce when those are ready as well.  I am pretty gosh darn excited about those myself, planning makes me pretty happy.  Oh geeze, there I go smiling while I type again....

Earlier this week I was featured in an online edition of CupcakeMag's Summer Issue!

I shared my top ten organized spaces around our home, and really had a blast writing this particular article.  You can find the entire beautiful feature online here starting on page 88, but I really recommend checking out every last page of the magazine full of inspiration and fresh ideas.

You remember those butterflies you would get in your stomach when you first start dating that special someone.  The sweaty palms and flutters and that rush of excitement with every call or text.... that is how I feel whenever I see we have been featured or published.  What I really love is how excited my little guys get when they see their mommy or our home or even their sweet little faces in a magazine.  I still question daily if all of this is just a crazy dream....

Better Homes & Gardens Storage magazine is running a second printing of our feature and it is on newstands now!  I may have squealed in the middle of the Walgreen's magazine aisle and caused a few people to look at me with concerned eyes.  I also spotted our playroom in the new 100 Ideas Quick & Easy Decorating issue.  Happy surprises are the best.

Something else that was pretty sweet is that I was interviewed for an article about Cheering Up Your Bathroom for Redbook magazine.  When I saw Drew Barrymore on the cover, my day was made.  She was my favorite actress growing up, so, I took that as a sign.  Of what, I don't know, but it was pretty cool.

And because I am all about being random today, this year I will hit 5 full years of blogging at this little place I call home.  OK, I didn't say that with enough gumption.  5 YEARS PEOPLE! 

I get asked a lot of questions about blogging in general, everything from photography questions to posting schedules to staying on Blogger or migrating to Wordpress.  I thought it would be fun to do a small series over the next few months, about what I have learned during my five years of blogging and share some of the tips and answers to your frequently asked questions.  A few topics I thought I would cover are:  A day in the life, photography {and maybe instagram photos as well}, social media, pros and cons and thoughts on monetizing.  If you have any other questions or topics you would like to see addressed, feel free to pop them in the comments below.  I also think it would be fun to get a few extra opinions from other seasoned bloggers as well, so stay tuned for that series coming soon.

For those looking for some additional organizing tips from yours truly, you can find me contributing over on Better Homes & Garden's Style Spotter's Blog.

With many people as excited as I am about spring cleaning and freshing things up with the new season, I shared my favorite cleaning supply organizational tips.

Organize This: Spring Cleaning Supplies

Starting the day off on the wrong foot is never a good idea.  A good closet system can really make or break your morning.

Organize This: Clothing Closet

And if you are limited to a wardrobe to store your clothing {like I am}, I am sharing my top tips for making the most of that space as well.

Organize This: A Wonderful Wardrobe

No one needs outdoor storage inspiration more than I do, so I decided to write about it!

Organize This: Outdoor Gear

Having a dedicated drop zone can be life changing, especially for busy families.  Find my drop zone "must haves" here.

Organize This: Drop Zone

And sometimes it is fun to integrate a trend or a favorite color or pattern into your organizing projects.  So I shared a variety of ways to bring in bold florals to your everyday storage solutions.

Organize With This: Bold Floral Patterns

A huge thank you to everyone who supports me and iHeart Organizing each day.  Always know that I never take a moment of what I do for granted, and that I couldn't love it more.  Cheers to five more years of organizing fun!

And a special thank you to my sponsors for making all of these dreams come true as well:

Have a happy weekend and...

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