Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Flashback Friday - Anatomy of An Edit | Shine

For all the readers who started following recently I'll be reposting some of the most popular posts for Flashback Fridays. Original post date January 22, 2013.

UPDATE: This image was exhibited at the DIVE Festival in Barcelona in April 2013. (Bottom Row, Far Right)

DIVE Exhibit in Barcelona, Spain
DIVE Exhibit in Barcelona, Spain

Here is a walk-thru of a recent edit.

Anatomy of an Edit © Geri Centonze

  1. Original image shot of young woman on tram going to Disneyland with ProCamera.
  2. Moved image to Sketch Club where I sculpted her face a bit by painting in a dark green background.  I also added more color to her lips and dark shadowing around her eyes with a paintbrush on a separate layer.
  3. Moved into Snapseed I adjusted contrast and exposure.
  4. Next into Old Photo Pro for an antique look
  5. ScratchCam FX provided the added texture
  6. Finally into Rays to add the “shine” to the portrait

Here is the finished image

Shine © Geri Centonze
Shine © Geri Centonze

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