Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Formulas App Giveaway

The creators of the very popular Stackables app just released their newest app - Formulas. I was fortunate to have participated in the beta testing of the app and one of my Formulas (Evanesce) was chosen to be part of the permanent collection.

Keep reading to find out how you can win a copy of Formulas!

With customization offered on each formula, your images can be textured as heavily or subtly as you like and unlike Stackables you don't have to create these special effects, it's already done for you.

What does Formulas offer?

  • 27 custom, multilayered photo effects all developed by mobile photographers. Each of the formulas is customizable. Use the slider to adjust from 1 to 100%. 
  • 22 textured frames which can all be customized as well by varying the width of the frame.
  • Auto-Adjust feature which can be turned on and off.

Formulas App

Formulas App

Formulas App

Formulas App

Using the same original photo (below) I created six new versions.

© Geri Centonze

© Geri Centonze

To win one of four promo codes, please leave a comment below. Winners will be selected at random using random number generator on Sunday, June 7th at 7 p.m. PDT.

Good Luck!

Update: And the winners are...
Ron B
Chris Stern
Carlos Austin
Heather W.

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