Monday, November 2, 2015

Grouper - Step by Step Painterly Edit

Below is a step-by-step workflow from start to finish for this painterly piece, "Grouper". I will provide a list of links to the apps used at the end of the tutorial. As always, this edit was done entirely on my iPad 4.

Grouper © Geri Centonze
Grouper © Geri Centonze
Below is the original photo taken of a grouper with an iPhone 5S through the glass of a marine aquarium in Dana Point, California. I had the camera set to shoot in Square mode.

The first thing I did was crop the image using Snapseed, to get in a bit closer while trying to keep the eye of the fish placed strategically using the Rule of Thirds.

After Cropping, Snapseed
While still in Snapseed, I used Tuning to increase Ambiance, increase Contrast, increase Brightness, decrease Shadows and decrease Warmth to cool down the image a bit. I saved this image to my Camera Roll. 

After Tuning with Snapseed
There was another fish swimming behind the main subject and quite noticeable, so I opened up the image above in Sketch Club and used a soft brush to paint out the fish by using a color selected from the background with the inkdrop tool. This image was saved and was ready to be taken to the next step.

After Painting out the background fish using Sketch Club
I opened the image above in the Sketch Guru app and ran it through the app using two separate settings. First, I used Pencil Sketch and saved that. 

Sketch Guru Pencil Sketch Filter
Next I used Watercolor 2 and bumped up the saturation a bit while still in Sketch Guru. I saved this version as well. So I now had two versions that I created using Sketch Guru.

Sketch Guru Watercolor 2
Next I opened up Sketch Club and created a new document. On one layer I added the Sketch Guru Watercolor 2 result and on the layer above it I added the Sketch Guru Pencil Sketch result. I blended these using the Hard Light setting and reduced the opacity of the top layer a bit so it wouldn't be so harsh. This combined image was saved to the Camera Roll and I was ready to move on to the next app.

Pencil Sketch and Watercolor 2 Blended in Sketch Club
The blended version created above was then opened in Repix. Here I used the Drips brush to blend the background in a painterly way. If the drips cover part of your main subject and you don't like them there, you can always use the Undoer brush! I'm so thankful the developer added this when I suggested it to him. While in Repix I also applied the Mist filter over the image to lighten it up a bit and then saved the results.

Repix using Drips Brush and Mist Filter
Just a few steps to go! I opened up the Repix version in Stackables and added a filter from the first menu on the top left called Glacial Ice and saved this.

Stackables Glacial Ice Filter
I wanted the final to be a bit muted, so I ran the filtered version above through Stackables again and this time I applied one of my custom formulas called "Fade Away". Hopefully this formula will appear in the next Stackables update.

After Stackables "Fade Away" Custom Formula
Would you be interested in a Painterly Online Course?

I have had a few requests to find out if I will ever be teaching a painterly course. If you're interested, please leave a comment below and I will start collecting names in case I ever decide to go forward with it. If I get enough interest, it would definitely be something I'd love to pursue. The course would be complete with detailed video tutorials.

Apps Mentioned:

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