Wednesday, November 18, 2015

IHeart: 12 Days of Giveaways with Lulu & Georgia

This week's giveaway is coming to you a day early, but with good reason.  My friends over at Lulu & Georgia are celebrating twelve days of giveaways, to celebrate the upcoming holiday season!  Today, is IHeart day!

I decided there was no time like the "present", to create this year's wish list.  As I was whipping up this post, I got sucked into the awesomeness over at Lulu & Georgia's site.  Honey... kids... if you are reading, mama found some goodies.

{candle, elephant, Buddha, lampholiday cards, mirror, pouftray, pillow, stool, hook}

Sooo, you can bet I am counting down the days until Christmas when all the wish list lovelies will magically show up under my tree {cough cough}.  And so some sweet treats can show up under your tree, today I am giving away $100 to Lulu & Georgia!  Just call me Mrs. Santa.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And for today only, IHeart Organizing readers can receive 10% off your entire Lulu & Georgia order with code IHEART10.

Good luck my beautiful friends!

IHeart Organizing official giveaway entry rules can always be found here.

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