Thursday, November 19, 2015

Instagram Challenge Showcase - Abandoned


[ ə bándənd ]

  1. empty: left empty because of not being used or lived in anymore
  2. alone: left alone without being cared for or supported
  3. unrestrained: without restraint or self-control

This challenge ran for two weeks because I was out of town last weekend. There were so many wonderful entries it was difficult to only select a few for the showcase. Please click on an image to view the photographer's Instagram gallery. 


There are so many abandoned chairs. If only they could speak and tell us their stories.




















Below is a view of all the images submitted.

The next challenge will be a bit different. Only shots using the contrast by hornbeck app (FREE on the App Store) - any subject matter. Showcase will be posted on October 26th. Use hashtag #aom_contrastbyhornbeck.

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