Thursday, November 26, 2015

Jerzy Jachym - Featured Mobile Photographer

© Jerzy Jachym
What is your name and where do you live?
JJ:  My name is Jerzy Jachym. I live and work in Przeworsk, a small town in southeastern Poland.

How did you get started in mobile photography? What device do you use?
JJ:  I began my mobile photography adventure a year ago. In December 2013 I won a smartphone on a television contest. I had a lot of free time since I had just lost my job, so I was able to do a lot of photography. For a few months I used the HTC One. Currently, I use only the iPhone 5s to photography and the iPad Air to edit. 

© Jerzy Jachym

© Jerzy Jachym

© Jerzy Jachym

Do you have a traditional photography or art background?
JJ:  From my school days, I was interested in photography. I photographed my family a lot. I've never had any formal training as a photographer and learned from the internet and magazines. 

© Jerzy Jachym

© Jerzy Jachym

© Jerzy Jachym

Who or what inspires you?
JJ:  I'm interested in creative photography, surrealism, photography black and white, street photography, portraits and reportage. I love the work of Jason Peterson, Tomasz Tomaszewski, Tomasz Gudzowaty, Anton Corbijn and recently Vivian Maier.

© Jerzy Jachym

© Jerzy Jachym

© Jerzy Jachym

Do you plan your shoots with an end in mind or do you shoot and decide later as you edit?
JJ:  I try to shoot every day. I take a lot of pictures, many of them get rejected from the very beginning. Others I keep to edit later.  I try to observe the surroundings, looking for interesting subjects and objects. 

© Jerzy Jachym

© Jerzy Jachym

© Jerzy Jachym

I really love your latest series of images with the light bulbs! Please share a bit about the process you use to edit them.
JJ:  A lot of my work is graphic design. An example is the series of works with incandescent bulbs. The main app used for this series was Adobe Photoshop Touch. I also used the application: Union, Snapseed and Repix. The bulbs are very beautiful objects and I imagined that each may be a separate, closed world. Every one has its own distinct history.

© Jerzy Jachym

© Jerzy Jachym

What photo are you most proud of and why?
JJ:  My favorite photograph shows the silhouette of a man walking behind his shadow. This was created quite by accident and exemplifies both my interest in street photography and the possibilities offered with editing. Photography, which I like very much is showing the silhouette of a man walking behind his shadow. 

© Jerzy Jachym

What is your favorite app?
JJ:  My favorite application is "Union". It is a very good tool to work with multiple layers (also transparent). Particularly important is the fact that the results are high resolution. Using "Union" can create a combination of multiple images, create photo double exposures. You can also remove unnecessary background. I really enjoy working with this application.

Have you ever sold or exhibited your work? If not, any plans for the future?
JJ:  I try to present my work on the Internet at many sites, including those where you can buy them and have also participated in many competitions. I am interested in new applications and am always looking for reviews of the latest. Along with posting my work on social sites, I also run a photo blog at Tumblr. 

© Jerzy Jachym

© Jerzy Jachym

What advice would you give mobile photographers just starting out?
JJ:  To all those who are beginning to take photos, remember that a good photography does not have to be taken with a ​​very expensive and a professional camera. The most important thing is the joy and satisfaction we receive from doing what we love!

© Jerzy Jachym

© Jerzy Jachym

Find Jerzy: Tumblr / Twitter / Flickr / EyeEm / Instagram / Facebook / 500px

Apps Mentioned:
Adobe Photoshop Touch

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