Sunday, November 22, 2015

Mob Paint Monday - A Painterly Tutorial Using Artomaton

I normally feature a showcase or artist for Mob Paint Monday. I have some in the works which I'm looking forward to sharing when they're ready. In the meantime, I don't want to let Monday pass without sharing something for the painterly mobile artists.

Today I 'll be sharing the Artomaton app. On the App Store Description, it's dubbed as an Artificial Intelligence Artist. The app is Free with available in-app purchases. It comes standard only with the Oil and Sketch modes. For 99-cents each you can purchase Color Pencil, Crayon, Pastel, Ghosts, Cubic, Watercolor, Pointil, Snowflakes, Sketch & Water - or go for the whole set - All Styles for $2.99. 

When you select a preset, you will be shown a preview of the results. To show you some samples, first I'll share the unedited image (below).

© Geri Centonze
Original Image
Below are a few samples using the in-app presets



Colored Pencil

Sketch & Water


The real power of this app is the ability to customize the settings using the sliders at the bottom of the screen to make your adjustments (iPad screenshots are shown in this post). You can adjust fineness which determines the "fineness" of the strokes. Density controls the "density" of the strokes and Self-Color determines how accurate the final rendering is to the original color of the photo. Sliding to the left produces a less reality based color scheme.

The settings in the Oil Preset were changed as shown below:

...producing these results.

© Geri Centonze
Results from Adjusted Oil Preset 

To bring back some of the reality to the image I combined the edited version above with the original image using Sketch Club.

© Geri Centonze
Oil Rendering combined with Original 

Crop and Increase "Structure" (found under Details) in Snapseed

© Geri Centonze
Snapseed Adjustment

Finally, add a filter in Stackables to warm up the image

© Geri Centonze
Stackables Filter

With this app, you also have the ability to increase detail in an area by sliding your finger over the area as it renders. If you want to stop and save the image while it's processing you can also do that by pressing the arrow button and then saving before it's completed the rendering process.

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