Friday, November 27, 2015

Mob Paint Monday - Sharing Six Apps

Normally I would feature one of the artists from the Mob Paint Flickr Group today. Although I have a few in the works none are ready for prime-time yet. Instead, I decided to share a few of the apps I use regularly that may not yet be in your toolbox.

Focal Lab ($0.99 App Store) - I have been applying more creative blurring to my images since taking the iPhoneography course by Susan Tuttle. Although I have several blur apps, I really love Focal Lab and it's quickly becoming my favorite. With Focal Lab you can add a Dreamy Blur, Soft Focus, Zoom Blur, Motion Blur as well as a Vignette. You can also shift the center of each blur by sliding your finger over the image and also control the intensity of the blur using the slider. Full resolution support only up to 1200 by 1600 pixels, but I can always upsize using Filterstorm or a number of other apps.

Focal Lab Screen Shots
Focal Lab was used in the edit of this piece.

The Eye is Not the Seeing © Geri Centonze
The Eye is Not the Seeing © Geri Centonze
Sketch Guru ( Free, App Store, Google Play) - I particularly like the Watercolor and Watercolor 2 effects. There are 18 preset styles and each of them can be adjusted using slider controls. After I save the results from Sketch Guru, I usually combine it with either the original image or another edited version of the original using a different app. It also works well as a stand alone editing app for painterly and sketchy effects. Warning: Do NOT make the in-app purchase to get rid of the ads. I did, and the ads stayed. I ended up getting a refund from the App Store. Maximum resolution 1280 x 1280 pixels for square images.

Sketch Guru Screenshots
Sketch Guru alone was used on the image below.

© Geri Centonze
Gouache Effect Sketch Guru App © Geri Centonze
I used Sketch Guru in combination with other apps for this edit of my granddaughter Harper.

© Geri Centonze
© Geri Centonze
Trimaginator ($0.99 App Store) is a unique app that I just discovered. When you open the app, it's not readily apparent how to use it, but I figured it out after some trial and error. In the upper left hand corner are the controls for adding and saving an image. The solid triangle is used to access your photos in your Camera Roll. Tap the triangle with the arrow to save an image. A check mark will appear in the center of the screen when it is saved. 

The triangle in the upper right hand corner determines the style of the Trimaginator and how the lines are connected on your image. The triangle in the lower left controls the way the triangles created are filled. 

Trimaginator Screenshot
One of my Trimaginator edits below. Trimaginator does not save at full resolution. As far as I can determine the maximum size is 1536 x 1536 pixels for a square image.

© Geri Centonze
Trimaginator © Geri Centonze
Flipagram (Free App Store) - great for combining images for a video presentation. I use it on Instagram to present the Mob Photo and Mob Street showcases. There is a setting which allows for configuring for either Instagram or Vine and their time limits for videos. There are 15 filters to edit the video. Text is available to add titles. 

iResize ($0.99 App Store) I do a lot of resizing (normally downsizing to post on Art of Mob). With iResize, I can select the exact dimensions for resizing. There is also batch editing available but I prefer to make the changes one by one.

iResize Screenshot
Diana Photo ($0.99 App Store) - This app creates double exposure images. You can take a chance and let the app randomly select two images, or you can choose the images individually. Once chosen they can be zoomed, rotated and moved for placement.  24 preset styles are included and hopefully there will be more to come. With the latest update you can now adjust the balance between both images. Downside - does not save at full resolution. I don't usually find this a problem though as I have plenty of options to upsize. The image below was created using the Hipster preset. I have textures saved on my iPad and combined one of them with an image I took of a floral arrangement. 

© Geri Centonze
Diana Photo Hipster Preset © Geri Centonze
These are just some of the more than 400 apps I have on my iPad. Maybe one day I'll actually learn what each of them does!

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