Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Mob Street No. 9

"The city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo." ~ Desmond Morris

When I was a child before the days of the TSA and metal detectors, our family used to drive to the Los Angeles airport, head to the departure area and watch people come and go. We enjoyed the joy-filled reunions and even the tearful goodbyes. Maybe that's when my love of people watching was born. Mob Street gives me the opportunity to watch people from all over the world through the smartphone lenses of so many talented people! Thank you all for continuing to contribute to the Mob Street Flickr Group.

Please join us on Flickr if you're a smartphone photographer and enjoy street photography.

© Richard Pilon
© Richard Pilon

© Paolo Berni
© Paolo Berni

© Alex Gage
© Alex Gage

© Adam Oczkoś
© Adam Oczkoś

© Gillian Brodie
© Gillian Brodie

© Waldemar Błażej Nowak
© Waldemar Błażej Nowak

© Eitan Shavit
© Eitan Shavit

© gcosta9
© gcosta9

© unaisa momoitio
© unaisa momoitio

© Tomasz Olszewski
© Tomasz Olszewski

© Başak Aytek
© Başak Aytek

© Karen Alexrad
© Karen Alexrad

© tayfun öztürk
© tayfun öztürk

© Suzy Norris
© Suzy Norris

© Michał Koralewski
© Michał Koralewski

© Roger Guetta
© Roger Guetta

© Albion Harrison-Naish
© Albion Harrison-Naish

© Cary Gossett
© Cary Gossett 

© Montse Abad
© Montse Abad

© nicjusz
© nicjusz

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