Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Mobiography - The Essential Publication for the Mobile Photographer

Are you a subscriber to Mobiography magazine? This beautiful publication features interviews, reviews and tips for the aspiring or experienced mobile photographer.

The latest issue features

  • Interviews with mobile artists Brent Mosley and Jennifer Bracewell
  • Christmas gift ideas for the mobile photographer
  • The Art of iPhone Photography book review
  • Beginners Guide to VSCO Cam
  • 10 Tips for great holiday photos
  • 10 iPhone winter photography tips
  • How to free up space on your iPhone
  • Mobiography Flickr Group Showcase

Mobiography Issue 06
Issue 06 Mobiography

Mobiography issues can be purchased individually ($4.99), but the subscription is by far the best deal ($3.99) and includes issues available to subscribers only, like the one below. This special edition showcased the favorite photos of selected mobile photographers. I was thrilled to be included in this issue with my "Ships that pass in the night" photo.

Mobiography Special Issue
For Subscribers Only

Whether you're buying for yourself or another mobile photo enthusiast, Mobiography makes a great gift! Available on The App Store

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