Friday, November 6, 2015

Mobiography Offers Chance to Win FREE Access to iPhoneography with Bob Weil

Mobiography is currently running a series each day of December until Christmas titled, "24 Mobile Photographers Til Christmas 2014". Last year, Andy Butler started this series and continued on with it this year. So far Andy has featured Bob Weil, Emil Pakarklis, Fábio Morbec, Todd Leban and Bridgette Shima.

Today I am honored to be included as photographer for Day 6. Click here to read about the Photo I am Most Proud of for this year.

In addition to just learning about various photographers and their journey, one lucky reader of Mobiography will win FREE access to iPhoneography with Bob Weil, an online course. All you have to do is check out the series at and leave a comment with your name and email address. The competition closes on December 24th, so you still have plenty of time to enter.

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