Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Nayra Rojas - Out of Her iPhone

What is your name and where do you live? 

NR:  My name is Nayra Rojas. I live in the south of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain with my family.

How did you get started with mobile photography? What device do you use? 

NR:  It all started soon after the birth of my first daughter Salma. I never really stopped to think about the possibilities that these devices had. To be honest, it was the first iPhone that I had that awakened my interest in mobile photography. I am currently using an iPhone 5s which is loaded with hundreds of apps and I try to understand all the features they have.

© Nayra Rojas

© Nayra Rojas
All I want to be is a reflection

© Nayra Rojas

Do you have any formal art or photography training?

NR:  No, I have absolutely no training in art or photography. My interest was especially influenced since I discovered Instagram about one and a half years ago which motivated me to practice and learn as much as I could. I would love to enroll in a photography course as soon as I get a chance.

© Nayra Rojas
An ordinary afternoon

© Nayra Rojas
Candid moments

Who or what inspires you?

NR:  My principal inspiration comes from my family, the sea, the place where I live and the places that I dream of taking my daughters to. I especially enjoy mixing bits from the real or everyday life with things that can be surreal or magical.

© Nayra Rojas
What a hard day!

© Nayra Rojas

Do you plan your photo shoots with an end in mind or are they more spontaneous?

NR:  Hardly any of my photos are planned and those that I do plan usually end up being the ones I like the least. I enjoy having my phone on me and simply let myself be guided by spontaneous inspirations that occur due to the place and the circumstances of the moment.

© Nayra Rojas
With my head in the clouds

© Nayra Rojas
A little piece of heaven

I love all of the images of children in your Instagram gallery. What tips do you have for photographing children? 

NR:  In my experience, I find that the best thing to do is simply let their spontaneity flow, without interrupting while they enjoy what they are doing. On the other hand, it also means you need to have your device ready and be quick to take the shots because the children themselves are also very quick to change activities. Basically, let them be themselves and be ready!

© Nayra Rojas

© Nayra Rojas
Welcome Home

Your photos are all so beautifully composed. Do you have any advice for achieving a great composition in an image?

NR:  I believe that there should be no general rules or limitations for the composition of an image. I feel that the longer we take with preparations, the more complicated it will be to achieve that “ideal” image composition that is really going to make you feel right about it. In my case, I try to let the places that I visit transmit something positive while my daughters do all the rest. I hardly ever neglect an image as it could always come in handy for some other moment.

© Nayra Rojas
Hard to catch

© Nayra Rojas
Childhood memories

It doesn't look like you do a lot of post processing. What apps if any do you use?

NR:  The first app that I discovered and learned to use was Snapseed which I still consider to be one of the most indispensable tools in my phone. My other favorites at the moment are VSCO Cam, Mextures and Image Blender and are apps that I can still learn from. On the other hand, there are a huge variety of great apps available that can open up an enormous amount of possibilities for image editing.

© Nayra Rojas
Felt it and loved it

© Nayra Rojas
Snake Charmer

Have you ever sold or exhibited your work? If not, any plans to do so? 

NR:  I have been able to exhibit one of my images in the MOWO “Costa Blanca” - III Congress of Mobile Photography & Instagram which took place September the 14th in Torrevieja (Alicante). Another image of mine was exposed in PHOTOALICANTE. The International Photography Festival in Alicante, 28.03.2015. I would love to continue exhibiting my work reaching more people inside and outside of Instagram. I will try to continue learning to make better photos so that maybe one day I will see that my work has had some recognition.

© Nayra Rojas

© Nayra Rojas

Is there anything else you'd like to add? 

NR:  I would simply like to thank you for the work you do and hope that all those who are passionate about it will continue to practice and learn each day. Thank you very much.

© Nayra Rojas
"California Dreaming" Beach Boys

© Nayra Rojas
Part of me

Find Nayra: Instagram / AMPt Community

Apps Mentioned:
Image Blender

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