Wednesday, November 11, 2015

October Organizing Challenge: Dare To DIY With A New Supply

We have done a lot of challenges together over the years, some big and some small.  I personally prefer the small ones as they still make an impact without becoming too overwhelming or stressful.  I especially love how many of you participate in these challenges, or even revisit them later as your time permits.  Organizing is always much more fun when you have someone to do it with, and a community who is just as excited about it as you are.

I have decided to kick the supersized daily and weekly challenges to the curb for now.  Getting back to the basics is what it is all about, so each monthly organizing challenge is going to be simple, small, specific yet effective.  The goal is to be motivated to get something done, even something small, that ultimately has a positive impact on our days.

October's Organizing Challenge: DARE TO DIY WITH A NEW SUPPLY

First, don't be discouraged to see DIY in the challenge title.  DIY = Do It Yourself.  It doesn't have to equate to hammers and screwdrivers, it can be anything you personally create with your own two hands.  Maybe you have been wanting to try to line a drawer with pretty paper.  Or thinking of making some paper mache dishes to hold your jewelry.  It can even be as simple as making your own labels for the first time.

Second, the goal is to try something new.  Some of my absolute favorite storage solutions/projects have come from trying out a new product or supply.  And my friends, it can be anything from a material to an art supply to a type of tool.  I am challenging you to think of something you have always wanted to do or try, and finally make it happen!

Here are a few material and supply ideas to get the creative juices flowing:

  • Paint Pens
  • Bamboo
  • Rope 

  • Plumbing pipes
  • Die Cutting Machine
  • Stencil

  • Twine
  • Wire
  • And my personal favorite, paint!

I could go on and on, but I think you probably have the idea by now.  Before I started blogging, I probably wouldn't have tried using half of the materials I mentioned above.  But each time I grab for something new, I feel more confident in my abilities to create something amazing for our home.  Some of my favorite projects were done with materials I had never played with prior, and that is my driving factor for this month's challenge.

Of course, the ultimate goal is to organize something, while the fun part will be integrating a new product or supply into the mix.

The link party begins now and will close Sunday, November 8th (you will be able to access the link party all month long on my sidebar).  That is almost a full month to work on the project and share it here with me.  I will be sharing anything I try throughout the remainder of the month as well.  This is going to be so much fun!!

There are a few materials I have in mind that I would like to experiment with such as clay, yarn, dye, lacquer, tile and plumbing parts just to name a few.  Feel free to let me know if there is one is particular you think would be fun to see.

What product will you pick to try out this month?

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