Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Painterly Mobile Art Monday No. 23

of or appropriate to a painter; artistic

I've had a few very nice compliments about Art of Mob lately from people in the community - those people probably don't know how their nice words made my day! I may never reach 100,000 hits a day especially since I don't pay attention to keywords and SEO. My goal however isn't to be the most popular kid on the block, but to share the creative work being done strictly with mobile devices and honoring the many artists who pour their hearts into their work. If you enjoy Art of Mob, please spread the word! Tweet this post...Pin it...Facebook it! Let's get the word out on just how much you can do with that phone in your pocket!

And now for the latest installment of Painterly Mobile Art Monday featuring the work of artists that belong to the Flickr Group Painterly Mobile Art. Do you like to edit your mobile photos in a painterly way? Please join us!

© Gianluca Ricoveri
© Gianluca Ricoveri

Please God, We Need the Rain © Allison Pistohl
Please God, We Need the Rain © Allison Pistohl

The deepest secret nobody knows © Bob Weil
The deepest secret nobody knows © Bob Weil

© Jack Webb
© Jack Webb

Inquisitive Cat © Kristen Radden
Inquisitive Cat © Kristen Radden

The Happy Cousins © Skip Brown
The Happy Cousins © Skip Brown

Every door has a wall © Federica Corbelli
Every door has a wall © Federica Corbelli

Opera House 1 © Chris Hawkins
Opera House 1 © Chris Hawkins

Painterly Portrait of Man © Michael Manza
Painterly Portrait of Man © Michael Manza

© hanakai2001
© hanakai2001

© Martina Woll iPhoneography
© Martina Woll iPhoneography

© Trish G
© Trish G

© Robin Robertis
© Robin Robertis

Foggy dawn on the river © Solly Avenue
Foggy dawn on the river © Solly Avenue

Venice © Kathy Clay
Venice © Kathy Clay

Dialogs against a wall © SLP
Dialogs against a wall © SLP

Snowstorm in Yellowstone © Sandra Nykerk
Snowstorm in Yellowstone © Sandra Nykerk

Urban Mythology - Hypnos and Thanatos © rakusribut
Urban Mythology - Hypnos and Thanatos © rakusribut

Cabin Fever #1 © Nicki Fitz-Gerald
Cabin Fever #1 © Nicki Fitz-Gerald

© Cristian Margarita
© Cristian Margarita

Love Has No Age © Anne Highfield
Love Has No Age © Anne Highfield

Camouflage © Andrea Koerner
Camouflage © Andrea Koerner

Winter Dock Sassafras River Georgetown, MD © Tracy Mitchell Griggs
Winter Dock Sassafras River Georgetown, MD © Tracy Mitchell Griggs

Visions of Johanna © Roger Guetta
Visions of Johanna © Roger Guetta

The Narcissist © Pu the Owl
The Narcissist © Pu the Owl

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