Monday, November 16, 2015

Painterly Mobile Art Monday No. 25

of or appropriate to a painter; artistic

Here is just a small sample of images that were added to the Painterly Mobile Art Flickr Group. Please join us if you enjoy editing mobile images in a painterly way.

Lee Kathleen Hall © Carolyn Hall Young
Lee Kathleen Hall © Carolyn Hall Young

Morning Mist © Mariko Klug
Morning Mist © Mariko Klug

hellebore2 © thistledownup
hellebore2 © thistledownup

Up or Down © Rob Pearson-Wright
Up or Down © Rob Pearson-Wright

© Kim Martino
© Kim Martino

Death of a Monk © Geri Centonze
Death of a Monk © Geri Centonze

Me a Yankee © Arnold Hayes
Me a Yankee © Arnold Hayes


Sorceress © Andrea Koerner
Sorceress © Andrea Koerner

Mouna's Robe © Meri Walker
Mouna's Robe © Meri Walker

The Long Good bye © Roger Guetta
The Long Good bye © Roger Guetta

Gosia vs Gosia © Jerzy Jachym
Gosia vs Gosia © Jerzy Jachym

© Cristian Margarita
© Cristian Margarita

Back to reality © Jakob Løkkegaard
Back to reality © Jakob Løkkegaard 

The Blind Side © Diana Nicholette Jeon
The Blind Side © Diana Nicholette Jeon

For a Moment © Trish G
For a Moment © Trish G 
Concrete Poetry DT4 #4 © Nicki Fitz-Gerald
Concrete Poetry DT4 #4 © Nicki Fitz-Gerald

Alabanza © Patty Larson
Alabanza © Patty Larson

An Eye for Photography © Wayman Stairs
An Eye for Photography © Wayman Stairs

Moonrise at My Hill © Lorna Morris Hamblin
Moonrise at My Hill © Lorna Morris Hamblin

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