Monday, November 23, 2015

Reader Space: Lighten & Brighten the Laundry Load

Bridget is whitening more than her socks in her laundry space, and I am lovin' the results!

Chores are always more enjoyable when you love your surroundings, so it always extra important to give chore heavy spaces a little extra lovin'.  Artwork, paint, pretty storage... it all goes a long way in brightening a room, and Bridget proves that with her recent laundry room update.

Bridget blogs with her pal Casey over at DIY Playbook, and they are such a dynamic duo.  Their projects are always fresh and fun and I have been fortunate enough to meet them in person and they couldn't be more fantastic.  I always love checking in to see what they are up to, so be careful when you head to their site, you may find yourself lost for hours.

I invited Bridget here today to share more details about her laundry space that started out like this...

Here she is now to share how she really brightened more than her whites.

What is the main function of the space?

"The main function of this space is obviously laundry, but that is not its only vital function.  Because we have limited storage in our home, this tiny space is also extra important because of the hidden storage it offers."

Any superstar tips for keeping it organized?

"Like in any of our rooms, we think it's so important to make sure every item has a specific place to call 'home'.  When everything has a specific spot, we feel it is far easier to maintain an organized & functional space.  Whether it is change found in the pocket of our jeans while doing laundry or a spare sock that lost its partner, everything needs to have a consistent place to go.  By doing this, the space will stay far more organized, be a lot more functional, and a lot less frustrating for everyone in the house!"

What items did you find were essential when organizing the space, and why?

"Bins, Baskets, & Boxes!!  When everything has a place to call 'home' it's easier for everyone to get on Team Organized.  These labeled bins, baskets, and boxes are essential in making that happen and help everyone stay on the same page."

What did you do to go the extra mile and "make it pretty"?

"Making it pretty of course is not always necessary to make a space functional... but let's be real here- it's the fun part that makes things like doing laundry a little more tolerable.  The gallery wall helped make this space extra 'pretty' by adding a lot of color, character and charm to our tiny, otherwise, pretty boring space.  Ironically, this gallery wall was pretty darn affordable because almost all of the art was FREE!  (You can download & print almost every piece from my gallery wall here.) Pretty & Free.... our favorite combo."

What items did you DIY to stay on a budget?
  • Cabinets:  Free! I DIY-ed the cabinets, they were actually our home's original kitchen cabinets!
  • Paint/Wood for the cabinets:  About $50
  • Paint for the walls:  Leftover
  • Hardware:  Around $25
  • Gallery Wall:  (Most prints were FREE!) $40 for frames/basket/hooks
Grand Total:  Approximately $115

How has this project impacted your life for the better?

"What a difference some labeled bins, a functional system, and a new found excitement of an old space can have on your laundry status!  Our home's laundry has never had such great turnaround rates thanks to our new motivation to spend time in a much more functional space.  Personally, I feel so proud that I DIY-ed this project and can't help but have a better appreciation for those old cabinets and a better attitude when tackling our laundry!"

Let's ooh and ahh over the before and after one last time, shall we?

This is one of those transformations that anyone can tackle and walk away with a smile.  The biggest update made was adding moulding, hardware and painting those dated cabinets.  HUGE difference and suddenly the cabinets look like a million bucks.  And the entire space opened up with just that one change.  From there, simple decluttering and the addition of bins and baskets made the space even easier on the eyes.  Lined baskets conceal unsightly bottles while open storage keeps things fresh and fun while unifying the baskets and boxes behind the cabinet doors is always an effective touch.  Lastly the cheerful art brought the entire space home.

A motivating job well done ladies!  Thank you so much for sharing with me and the IHeart community today, I am sure this bright update leaves you whistling while you work.

You can find even more photos and details over at DIY Playbook here.

ATTENTION!!  Want to be featured in a Reader Space edition?  Have an awesome organizing story to share?  I am looking for projects that have made a positive impact to your life, big or small.  They can be anything from an organized drawer or cabinet to an entire room.  Please submit your story and photos to, and I would heart to feature them right here on the blog!!  Photos should be high resolution and unedited.  Please include a description of the project, including any costs, inspiration, and how it has changed your life and routine for the better!  Oh, and no worries my friends, we will NEVER judge "before" pictures because that just wouldn't be nice!  Only love goes on at this blog!

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