Wednesday, November 18, 2015

tadaa Announces Winner of Filter Friday Contest - Duncan Powell

As a promoter of the Filter Friday Contest by tadaa, I got a sneak peak at the finalists and got to put in my vote for my favorites. I'm happy to say that out of the top five I picked, the winner was among them. 

Duncan took part in the Filter Friday competition by uploading an image with one of tadaa's cool new filters which were released during consecutive weeks of the contest. He was the lucky winner of a canvas print of his choice from Canvas Pop valued at $100! 

I wanted to know a bit more about the winning image, so I contacted Duncan and we was kind enough to answer a few questions.

First of all, congrats on winning the contest! Was the image that won shot with a mobile phone or DSLR?

My shot was taken with my iPhone 5S. 

Did you use any other apps to alter the image, or did you just use tadaa?

It was only edited on tadaa with the Berlin filter and the masking tools. 

© Duncan Powell
© Duncan Powell

Please tell me a bit about yourself and your photography experience.

I started taking photos mainly on holiday from the age of 17. I recall using my father's old Minolta 35mm compact on a school trip to Italy. I took about 60 pictures in three weeks. I often take that many everyday now! 

My first camera was a Pentax 35mm compact. I bought an SLR camera that used APS film. Anyone remember that? That got stolen one holiday. My following camera was a Nikon Coolpix, then an Olympus digital compact. Eventually I got a Canon 450D SLR. I still use that a lot. But my real photography passion was with my first iPhone: a 3G. That was followed by a 4S and now a 5S. I am totally obsessed. 

Have you ever exhibited your work?

No, I've never had anything exhibited.

Is there anything you'd like to add?

I love mobile photography and SLR. I've been doing a lot of long exposures with both recently. I take 1000's of pictures a year now. And having the phone with me means I don't miss a thing. 

Geri's Note: I highly recommend visiting one of Duncan's galleries below - his images are really excellent! I'm now a follower!

Find Duncan:  tadaa / Flickr / EyeEm / Twitter / 500px / Oggl (DuncanPowell)
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