Friday, November 13, 2015

The Cool Cam - Updated and Better Than Ever

The Cool Cam is a simple, straight-forward and easy to use photo app with some really nice filters to enhance your photos. The Cool Cam was created by Brazilian photographers Marcia Ramalho and Milton Montenegro and developed in Rio de Janeiro by Gaudium. With the newest version they've added editing tools to move, scale and rotate as well as controls to adjust brightness, contrast and saturation. 

The main feature of The Cool Cam are ten unique filters. Below I edited one of my recent photos by applying each of the ten filters. 

© Geri Centonze
Glam - Fantastic Watercolors

© Geri Centonze
Kali - Kaleidoscope eyes

© Geri Centonze
Onda - a touch of Dali

© Geri Centonze
Luna - Magical warm tones

© Geri Centonze
Remix - The perfect b&w (you can add a twist of color)

© Geri Centonze
Garbo - Rich tones as in a classic Hollywood portrait

© Geri Centonze
Flex - Mirrorland

© Geri Centonze
Conte - Like a Seurat's Drawing

© Geri Centonze
Jatte - The finest desaturation

© Geri Centonze
TV - A hint of electronics
The image below was run through Onda a few times and then through Kali and Remix.

© Geri Centonze
Onda, Kali and Remix
I really like all the new filters. If I could make a suggestion, I personally do not think I'd use the TV filter much, so would like to see it replaced with something else in the next version. What do you think?

The Cool Cam is available FREE on The App Store.

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