Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Macro World of Ithalu Dominguez

I found Ithalu's gallery on Instagram while I was researching the SquidCam Lens system. I wanted to see what other photographers were doing with the lenses that I had received compliments of SquidCam. Seeing the tiny world up close through Ithalu's photography is fascinating. It's amazing the things we pass by everyday without realizing the wonder of it all!

© Ithala Dominguez

What is your name and where do you live? 
ID:  Hi, my name is Ithalu Dominguez. I live in Montebello, Ca. 

How did you get started in mobile photography? What device do you use? 
ID:  I started taking pictures with my cellphone in 2008. Photography is something I've always been interested in since I was a kid. When I got my iPod 5, I liked the camera even though it had only 5MP. I think it still is a great camera. Later on I acquired my first iPhone. At this moment; I've been using both, because the quality of the pictures are really good.

© Ithala Dominguez

© Ithala Dominguez

Do you have a traditional photography or art background? 
ID:  No, I don't have any professional experience but I've always been attracted to photography and painting. I studied graphic design and I believe that influenced me to have a better perspective in mobile photography. 

© Ithala Dominguez

Who or what inspires you? 
ID:  What inspires me is how wonderful nature is and everything that is in it. There are a lot of beauties that sometimes we don't pay attention. I love going to the park and looking at the flowers, insects, everything that is small. I could spend minutes watching how the bees collect the flowers' pollen or how the ladybug eats aphids. When you love what you do, you don't feel the time, you just enjoy the moment. And of course, I'm inspired by all my friends on Instagram and their comments - that is always appreciated. They inspire me to improve myself and deliver better pictures. 

© Ithala Dominguez

© Ithala Dominguez

Your gallery on Instagram is all macro shots - why do you prefer macro photography? What lens do you use? 
ID:  Most of my pics are macros. I love macro photography because it is a way to appreciate and show what sometimes we are not even aware exists. Those little and beautiful details invite me to capture them. For macros shots I use a SquidCam macro lens that I believe is one of the best macro lenses on the market. It's very convenient and easy to use due its case which the lenses attach directly to.  And I just love the "Lego" style case. 

© Ithala Dominguez

Do you have any secret to getting such clear shots? Do you use a tripod? 
ID:  I don't use a tripod for macro photos - all shots are taken with the iPhone handheld. One important thing to do to get a clear shot is to have patience and wait for the right moment. You could use your free hand to help you to hold an object and get a clear and steady shot. 

© Ithala Dominguez

© Ithala Dominguez

Is there any other style of mobile photography you have explored? Portraits, Street Photography, landscape? 
ID:  I also like to take pictures of landscapes and sunsets. Actually I have taken some pictures of them but I haven't shared them on my Instagram. 

© Ithala Dominguez
© Ithala Dominguez

What advice would you give to those interested in macro photography? 
ID:  Never give up if you don't get the picture you wanted; keep trying until you capture the right moment. Be patient and always be ready. You never know when you are going to find a beautiful thing to immortalize. 

© Ithala Dominguez

© Ithala Dominguez

Is there anything else you'd like to add? 
ID:  Thank you for this great opportunity to show how macro photography can change the way we see our environment - how even the smallest thing has a purpose in life. Thank you for your support and featuring my macro photography on your blog. It's been a pleasure and a great experience. 

© Ithala Dominguez

Find Ithala: Instagram / Steller  

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