Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Whole Story - Photo by Nico Brons

The image below was part of Monday's Painterly Mobile Art post. The photographer, Nico Brons, was kind enough to provide me with The Whole Story behind this lovely image.

The Photograph

When will he come home? © Nico Brons
When will he come home? © Nico Brons

The Whole Story by Nico Brons

The image was taken in a old orphanage for girls in Amersfoort, my hometown. It is an exhibition, brought to life with historical costume players who portray life as it was in the past. There was very nice light and I asked the girl to pose for me, which she did so well. After that I edited the image with a few apps. I often use Dynamic Light as I did with this image. After Dynamic Light I used one of my other favorites apps, Moku Hanga HD. Lastly I used Image Blender. The result of Moku Hanga HD was too strong for this image, so I made it softer with Image Blender by blending the Dynamic Light version with the Moku Hanga version. Finally, I used Filterstorm to enance the image - contrast, brightness, sharpening and a little tone mapping.  

The Photographer

Nico is an accomplished photographer and iPhoneographer. For more information read my interview with Nico here

Apps Mentioned:

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