Friday, November 13, 2015

UHeart Organizing: DIY Emergency Pamper Kit

A huge part of organizing is the act of being prepared.  We do so much to prepare for busy weeks and ways to save money, but what about ourselves?  Balance was my key word this year, because in order to be a better mom, wife and worker-bee, I need to stop spreading myself so thin and take bits of time for myself.  Serena of Pretty Fluffy blog, had a darling idea to put together an emergency pamper kit, which is simply brilliant and fits right within my resolution.  There are days when I just need to take a few hours away from it all and I love the idea of having something prepared and ready just when I need it most.  Here she is now to share more about this sweet little idea.

Too often we make our organizing projects about everyone but ourselves.  From chore charts to menu plans and other amazing ideas that are often about making the lives of those around you better and more organized.   However, today's project is all you.  Say hello to the emergency pamper kit – Treat Yo-Self!!!

The emergency pamper kit is your secret arsenal for the days when you need an extra pick me up. Whether you know your in for a particularly stressful day and have it set up & waiting for you when you get home or you need to break it out, a little prior preparation goes a long way in knowing you will always be looked after.

To make your own pamper kit, simply grab a cute gift box and fill till your hearts content. Here are some suggested items to make the ultimate pamper emergency kit:
  • Bath gel / bubble bath
  • Body scrub
  • Body lotion
  • Loofah
  • Manicure & Pedicure essentials; files, nail polish etc
  • Sweet treats such as your favorite chocolate bars
  • iTunes card for your favorite movies & songs

But feel free to add whatever is your ultimate indulgence, only your imagination can stop you.

The pamper emergency kit doesn’t just have to be all about you though. They make the perfect and most thoughtful gift for others as too many of us don’t take time out to pamper ourselves. Some great ideas for pamper boxes include:
  • Pamper box for mother to be
  • Pamper box for stressed out students
  • Pamper box for the broken hearted girlfriend
  • A manly pamper box for your loved one

For an extra special treat, why not set up your pamper box with your favorite pair of slippers, PJ’s & fluffy robe – 5 star lux hotel indulgence in your own home.

Happy pampering!

"I am Serena Faber Nelson, a television producer, writer and fluffy dog owner. Obsessed with home décor, fashion, lifestyle and dogs – I set about creating Pretty Fluffy as a go-to guide for the modern pet owner. Featuring a range of stylish products, celebrity pooches, DIY projects and handy hints, Pretty Fluffy is a daily stop for smiles and inspiration, giving readers the tools they need to enjoy full and happy lives with their furry friends. My greatest loves include fresh peonies, Dirty Dancing (Nobody puts Baby in a corner), Banoffe Pie, spending waaay too much time on Pinterest, and hugging random dogs at the park. I currently live in Sydney, Australia with my husband, Andy, and my 11 year old Border Collie, Soda. As a long time fan, I am super excited to be joining the IHeart Organizing Team!"

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