Wednesday, November 18, 2015

What's in a Name? Do you Title Your Images?

Although I love editing images, the difficult part for me comes when I try to think of a title. There is no hard and fast rule that says you have to title your work, but it does add something to an image, especially when you are submitting a piece for a possible inclusion in an exhibit.

My titles are usually boring, like "Portrait of a Man" or "Portrait of a Young Woman".  There are a few photographers I consider masters when it comes to titling an image and one is certainly the brilliant Susan Tuttle. I recently asked Susan if she had any suggestions for coming up with a title and she offered this advice, "Just close your eyes and wait patiently. Don't think. Then the words come."

Hmmm...I wondered if it would work, so I gave it a try with a few recent images and to my surprise, the words did come! Thank You, Susan!

© Geri Centonze
The Flower Whisperer

© Geri Centonze
Ships That Pass in the Night

© Geri Centonze
The Thinker
You can read more about Susan Tuttle in the interview I conducted with her here.

Do you title your images? If so, I would love to hear how you come up with them.

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