Saturday, November 28, 2015
A Prescription to Organize

In the past, I have shared my purse process, which basically consists of me carrying a tote that holds my planner, iPad, pens, sunglasses, some other girly things and my wallet. I take the tote in the car with me when I travel, but don't take it inside with me when I run into stores as I much prefer to just carry a single clutch or wallet most of the time.
Do you ever get frustrated with your purse and just dump it all on the table and give it an instant organizing session? I did that earlier this week and noticed that there is always a common trend when I do this. Pesky bobby pins! Seriously, can't stand those things but I always carry them and use them to pin up my hair. I know, I know, this is really important stuff right here.
It isn't just the bobby pins though; it is also hair ties and jewelry. They always seem to be floating around in random pockets inside of my tote. I decided I needed a small container to corral those itty bitties. Plus, there are times when I need to occasionally remove my wedding ring when I am out {no hubby, you don't have to worry... think manicures and long typing sessions at the coffee shop}, and I liked the idea of having something to keep it in so it isn't floating around inside of my tote.
Enter an empty prescription bottle.
Riveting right? No, this is not rocket science organizing and I know I am not the first to use a prescription bottle to organize little items inside of my purse. But why not share the big projects with the little right? So here you have it. I spray painted a prescription bottle... {I figured if the genius Courtney can spray paint a bleach bottle cap, I could spray paint a prescription bottle}
And then covered it in a vinyl cutout done with my die cutting machine.
And it turned out as adorable small storage for my tote.
I am sure I will continue to use upcycle these containers for other small storage, and next time I will probably save the trouble of the spray paint {it can easily scrape off if you don't put a thin coat of primer on it first and/or a protective finish over it after} and just use decorative paper or fabric and Mod Podge instead. Live and learn and share I say. At least it is cute!
This project reminded me of the sweet little headphone storage I created out of a Q-Tip container awhile back, which I still use all of the time. I adore when everyday packaging can be re-purosed.
What product packaging have you been up-cycling for storage lately?
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