Saturday, November 28, 2015

Call for Submissions: The Multiple eXposure Project Zine 1.0

Attention Art of Mob Readers - This Call for Submissions posted on behalf of the coordinators of The Multiple eXposure Project. 

The Multiple eXposure Project 

Call for Submissions: 

Attention writers, researchers, photographers, visual artists, and image-makers! The Multiple eXposure Project is a multimedia, multi/trans/inter-disciplinary artistic practice and research-based initiative that explores the many layers of image-making, participatory photography, visual ethnography, and performative encounter(s) between the image and the spectator. 

We are happy to announce that we will be publishing the very first issue of our collaborative zine and we are now accepting submissions until  December 31, 2014. The theme of our upcoming zine is “Self-as-Subject”, an exploration of the “self” and its manifold permutations – its presence, identity, representation, liminality, and (dis)embodiment - in this day and age of digital madness, hyperreality and mobility. 

The zine is multimedia so we are accepting text and image-based submissions related to the theme in any format imaginable such as: articles, essays, reviews, short stories, poetry, interviews, photographs (film or analogue), visual narratives, videos, digital art, illustrations, cartoons, mixed media, collages, experimental pieces, etc. Collaborative projects are very much welcome. Multiple entries are also accepted. 

Digital and printed copies of the zine will be released. 

Some notes to remember:

  • Please include your name, short profile, country of origin, and blog/website (if applicable) in your email.
  • Photo submissions in jpeg format must include a title and description. 
  • When necessary, please follow the proper citations (MLA style) in article submissions. 
  • Please email your submissions to

For more information on The Multiple eXposure Project, check out our website

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