Friday, November 20, 2015

Anatomy of an Edit No. 5

Another quick tutorial showing my workflow for a painterly edit.

Apps used in this tutorial:
Paper Artist
Sketch Club
Photo fx Ultra

Shoot Image - iPhone 6 native camera used

Using Paper Artist I selected the Oils Clean Preset and painted over the image (you can find this preset under the tab showing a bird)

Next using Paper Artist again I took the ORIGINAL image and painted over it using the Oils Rough preset.

The next step is to bring the original and both the Oils Clean and Oils Rough into Sketch Club and layer them using the Original as the base image and the other two on the next two layers. I adjusted the opacity of the two upper layers to blend them together. 

Next I brought this blended image into Snapseed and adjusted the Brightness, Ambiance, Details Saturation and Warmth. 

On to Stackables where I used one of my custom formulas to add texture.

I ran the above image through Stackables again to get a bit more texture -  this time using "Inferno" which was rotated. 

Finally, I wanted the sky to be a bit more blue, so I brought the above image into Photo fx Ultra and selected Grads/Tints. Under this category I chose Cyan and adjusted the "Amount" down just a bit and bumped up the setting "Preserve Highlights". Below is the final image.

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