Friday, November 20, 2015

Trying Out a Skipology Tutorial - Creating Atmospheric Fog

Living inland in Southern California, it's not very often that we get a foggy morning, but I do love the look of fog in a photograph. Luckily Skip Brown, author of the Skipology website recently posted a tutorial to help you create your own foggy atmosphere.

I decided to give it a try. I didn't have a suitable photo in my camera roll, so I am using a royalty free image from MorgueFile by clconroy.

Here's the before photo

Original photo by clconroy
Original photo by clconroy

And below is the After photo using some Skip "magic" with Snapseed, Superimpose and VSCO Cam!

After Edit

The tutorial is very straightforward. The only trouble I had was figuring out Superimpose because it's one that I don't use often, but after I found my way around the app, I was able to create my own foggy photo. (Note: Skip does have a Superimpose tutorial as well - I need a refresher course!)

Please head over to my buddy Skip's site to view the full tutorial and while you're there you'll want to subscribe because he's always coming up with great tutorials like this!

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