Sunday, November 8, 2015

#Hairgate - Is This the Latest iPhone 6 Issue?

You may have heard of #Bendgate - the issue of iPhone 6 Pluses bending. Apple was quick to dismiss this explaining that the event is rare. I guess you could bend just about anything if you apply enough pressure.

The latest discussion revolves around the issue of the seam of the new iPhone 6 snagging and pulling out hair. It's been called #Hairgate and #Beardgate. I just call it Ouch!! I actually put my iPhone 6 up to my ear and ran it over my hair and sure enough on the first swipe, it pulled out not one but several hairs! This isn't a huge deal, but I would have thought with Apple's attention to detail this wouldn't be happening. Maybe all of the beta testers were bald and beardless. Luckily I purchased a case for my device which covers that pesky little seam, so I'm safe.

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