Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Mob Paint Monday - Featured Artist Catherine Restivo

The Work

Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box © Catherine Restivo
Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box © Catherine Restivo

The Artist - Catherine Restivo
Catherine grew up in the beautiful Pacific Northwest on a small island north of Seattle, where her days were spent making forts in the woods or roaming the rocky beaches gathering shells and driftwood, and when she became a teenager, attending the obligatory keggers in someone's barn or on the beach. 

She has always loved photography, and growing up was her family's primary photographer, snapping away with their Kodak Instamatic. Her first "grown-up" camera was a Canon AE-1 that she used to capture life in New York. She purchased her first iPhone in 2010, and since discovering its camera and the amazing world of post processing available in the palm of her hand, a creative door was opened in her life.

Catherine now spends most of her spare time taking photos with her iPhone 5s, apping photos, sharing photos, being inspired by other artist's amazing creations, and participating on the many online iPhoneography sites and blogs.  Her mobile photography home base is Mobitog. Currently a proud Staff Member, she landed at MobiTog in August 2011 and discovered a creative community of like-minded mobile photographers who helped her learn and grow, and more importantly, make wonderful new friends. 

Catherine's Commentary
© Catherine Restivo
I love interesting mannequins, and every now and then am lucky to find a great one, usually in New York City window displays. For this image I used a textured background that I had created in Stackables and iColorama, and blended it with the shot of the mannequin using Image Blender, carefully erasing everything in the background as there was a lot of flotsam and jetsam in the image, then blended the two images using the Luminosity blend mode which gave it the grey monotones.  I saved this version, then reblended it with the original, erasing everything except the apple and her lips for the pop of color.  Repix was used to brighten the apple, and paint sparkles on her lips.  The frame was added in PixlrExpress+, bringing the opacity way down so that the frame is barely there.  Finally, some tuning tweaks in Snapseed and resize in Filterstorm. (Shot with native camera on iPhone 5s / Editing done on my iPad)

Apps Mentioned:

Find Catherine: Flickr / Red Bubble / iphoneart prints 

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