Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tutorial "We are the Dance"

Below is a step by step tutorial for the creation of this image "We are the Dance". This edit was done on an iPad 4. 

We are the Dance © Geri Centonze
We are the Dance © Geri Centonze

Below is the original image (shot with iPhone 5s using native camera app) after cropping in Snapseed - It was a figurine I saw in a model home which I held against a blank wall to get a solid background. 

© Geri Centonze

Next step was to invert the image in Adobe Photoshop Express. The Invert filter can be found under Looks in the filter menu.

© Geri Centonze

Next step was to open the above image in Snapseed and convert it to black and white and increase the contrast.

© Geri Centonze

The next step was to take the above image and open it in Pixology. Here I applied two of the Pixology textures along with a texture (below center) from the Susan Tuttle iPhoneography course. Pixology allows you to add any of your own images to use as textures and you can alter the blend modes as well.

© Geri Centonze

To add movement to the piece I opened the above image in FocalLab and used the Motion Blur setting to apply just a bit of blur mainly to the lower part of the figure.

© Geri Centonze

The above image was then taken into Path on where I added the text. With Path on you can swipe any path on an image and then the text will follow the line of your path. You can also combine fonts for a whimsical look, as I did here.

© Geri Centonze

I thought the above result was a bit harsh, so I opened it in Stackables where I applied one of my custom filters.

© Geri Centonze

Next I took the softened result of Stackables and combined it with the previous image using the Sketch Club app to layer and blend. You could use any app that allows for blending. I also like the above as a stand alone piece. 

© Geri Centonze

Finally I opened this newly softened combined image in Snapseed where I increased the Detail a bit to pull out some of the texture.

We are the Dance © Geri Centonze
We are the Dance © Geri Centonze

Apps Used:

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