Sunday, November 22, 2015

Mob Street Featured Photographer - Gosia Radziszewska

"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know.” Diane Arbus

It's Tuesday, which means time for another highlight from the Mob Street Flickr Group. Today I'm featuring Gosia Radziszewska sharing one of her favorite street photos.

The Work

© Gosia Radziszewska

The Photographer - Gosia Radziszewska

I live in Poznań, Poland and work as a software tester specialist in an international company. As most of the people I share my time between work and family, but there is one thing that I probably do differently… I do my best to join my hobby and family life, so they do not collide with each other. This is why I am known among local mobile photographers as “mommy-photographer” as I always go to the photo-walks with a baby carriage with my 2-year-old son sightseeing the city, and me taking some photos at the same time.

I joined Instagram in October 2012 and this is where my mobile photography story begins. Since then I have published photos almost everyday. I explore different styles and techniques looking for the one that suits me best. Last year in May I joined “Grupa Mobilni”, a group of mobile photography enthusiasts. Such collectives are very helpful if you are interested in learning new skills, finding new inspirations or motivation to further development and I must admit I enjoy it a lot.

Gosia's Commentary

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin is one of the places you want to visit as a photographer, as it is such a great piece of architecture with a dramatic story to be reminded. This memorial consists of multiple concrete slabs arranged in a grid pattern so they create long corridors, kind of labyrinth which local kids use as a hipster playground. At first the blocks are knee-high, when you go further (or I should say deeper) the field is sloping down and slabs get higher and higher. You are in. No one knows what is hidden behind the corner. You feel anxiety. You feel lost.

I was shooting my husband from a low angle when suddenly this girl appeared out of nowhere, like a ghost. She was playing “seek and hide” with other children and she made this frame interesting. I am very proud of this capture even though it was actually done by accident.

Initial enhancements of this photo were done in Snapseed (crop, central focus, straighten), then I edited it in VSCO with M5 preset.

Apps Mentioned

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