Friday, November 20, 2015

Painterly Mobile Artist Davinia Algeri

Before interviewing Davinia for this Painterly Mobile Art Monday feature, I had no idea we had so much in common. We both had a similar background with art and mixed media and both created ATC's (artist trading cards) as part of our art journey. Too bad I don't live in Perth - we could go on a photo walk together!

The Work

Abstract 2 © Davinia Algeri
Abstract 2 © Davinia Algeri

The Artist 

I'm Davinia, mother and wife to two adult children and semi-retired. I live in Perth, Western Australia. I can't even remember how I got started with iPhoneography. It may have been after getting a hand me down iPhone 4s from my son and upgrading from a 3 (another hand me down from one of my children). I've only ever owned point and shoot cameras and have no photography background whatsoever. I do love arts and crafts and have scrapbooked and made cards for a couple of years then became interested in mixed media art after making dozens of ATC's using paints, images, found objects and whatever else I could attach to a 2.5" x 3.5" card.

When I discovered apps and how they could be used for mixed media and painterly images, I was in heaven. No mess, no fuss, no paints, glue, brushes. I can sit on my lounge or lay in bed and create till my heart's content. For me it is the most amazing and fulfilling creative outlet ever! And now I've dipped my toes into Procreate and discovered layers...well, there's no stopping now.

I'm interested in all genres of iPhoneography, black and white, landscape, street and portraiture, but my most loved are mixed media and collage and abstract. Being able to turn a fairly ordinary image into something quite different is just magical for me.

Davinia's Commentary

When Geri asked me if I would like to participate in the Painterly Mobile Artist post, after I had jumped up and down, squealed a bit and did a little happy dance and was thankful no one saw me (not an attractive sight in a woman of my mature years), I already knew which image I would use. But a couple of days later, I happened to be playing around with an older image I had taken at a shopping centre and with just three apps used, this is the result. Taken with an iPhone 4s, cropped and straightened and tweaked a bit in Snapseed. Then into Brushstroke (my newest app and I'm loving it), then into Distressed FX for some added oomph. It's titled Abstract 2 for the simple reason I couldn't think of anything else.

Find Davinia:  Flickr | Instagram | Blog

Apps Mentioned:
Distressed FX

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