Friday, November 6, 2015

The Whole Story by Petyr Campos

The Photograph

© Petyr Campos

The Whole Story 

Like a lot of my ideas, this one has been whirling in my head for a long time. The original genesis for the image was to create a series of images of a person going through life on autopilot (hence the robot). However, sometimes as I'm creating the image, I discover a new way to present the image that I had not though of before. I was recently invited to submit work to the "Mobile Art L'arte è Mobile - Festival FuturoPresente 2014" show in Italy. The theme of the show is conflict. So I re-imaged the original concept I had about living live on autopilot and created this image. I wanted to create an image that implied conflict but was ambiguous as to what the conflict is. I still intend to create the life auto pilot series but the timeline for that project is still open.

Shot the image with 645 pro and a softbox light in color.
Took it into Monokrom to make it B&W.
Took the color pic into Superimpose, overlaid the B&W image on top and masked the robot so the color image came through.
Took image into Snapseed and applied the "HDR Scape" filter "Strong" setting.
Staying in Snapseed applied the "Drama" filter setting "Drama 2".
Finally, took image into the Bleach Bypass app and applied the "Cinematic" filter.

The Photographer - Petyr Campos

© Petyr Campos
A proud Chicagoan currently located in San Francisco, California. I photograph what is in front of me and presents an opportunity for an interesting photograph. I tend to photograph the beach, life in the city, portraits and concerts. I'm drawn to mobile photography because of the freedom it allows me to take photographs and be creative wherever I go. The phone provides a portable darkroom to bring images to life no matter where I'm at. Whether it's on the bus, at a cafe, at the beach, wherever, it's art on the go. 

I don't adhere to any one particularly style of photography. Every image has its own story to tell which I try to tease out through my approach in treatment and edits. Some images shine with a painterly look, while others work nicely with a grunge look. At the end of the day, I try to create something that is true to myself and the image and hopefully resonates with the viewer.

Find Petyr:  WebsiteiPhoneArt / Flickr / Instagram / EyeEm

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