Monday, November 23, 2015

World Cup Mania - Creating a Composite

World Cup © Geri Centonze
World Cup © Geri Centonze
Everywhere you go there's a lot of hype about the World Cup. When I hear "World Cup" I see a "literal vision" in my mind of the world in a cup so I decided to create an image based on the vision in my mind's eye. 

Here's how I accomplished my vision. We were out looking at model homes yesterday in Southern California and I was on the hunt to find a globe and a cup to photograph.

I succeeded! I got lucky because I was able to photograph them both against a solid background and the lighting inside the model home was decent. 

For the editing process I layered the image of the globe on top of the image of the cup (I used the cup on the left) in the Sketch Club app. Sketch Club is my go-to layering app only because I'm really familiar with it so I can do my work quickly. I erased everything around the globe and positioned it on top of the cup using the Transform tool in the layers menu.

While still in Sketch Club I used the eyedropper tool to match the color of the area around the cup and painted over it with a soft brush to get rid of the cup on the right. The result was a little rough, so I then opened the image in Repix and brushed over it with the Chalk brush to smooth and blend a bit. I learned this trick from my friend Jane Fiala (thanks Jane!)

I did some cropping and tuning in Snapseed but needed to add a bit of space around the left side of the cup and globe, so I opened the image in AntiCrop to add more pixels on the left. 

The text was added with PathOn - with this app you can draw a path with your finger and the text will follow that path - very cool!

Final touch was to take the image with the text into Stackables where I used one of the formulas to filter the image to my liking. 

Good luck to all those vying for the World Cup! 

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